Get inspired by our exclusive session before CanvasConnect UK & Nordics-Benelux

Foster student ownership & skill development to prepare students for an unpredictable future

  • Some of the most important trends happening in higher education

  • How you can appeal to student’s intrinsic learning motivation

  • How to harness students in their flexibility to deal with an unpredictable future workforce

  • How to propel student ownership with scaffolded student-driven education

  • See examples of how other institutions prepare their students for an unpredictable future with Portflow

Join our experts as they discuss how to prepare students for an unpredictable future with Portflow

“Student ownership has become visible very quickly because of Portflow. It all becomes much more trackable what a student is doing and what that learning journey looks like. That visibility is very easily seen in the growth and self-sufficiency of students.” 

Brigit Kolen, Lecturer of Copywriting and Academic Competencies & Digital Learning Environment Coach

Schedule a time slot to meet our team at CanvasConnect UK & Nordics-Benelux!