Boost Qualtrics course evaluations response rates2025-02-11T09:41:54+01:00

Leverage Canvas LMS data in your Qualtrics course evaluations & surveys

Students are an important source of information for any institutional research department. Unfortunately, students are often busy and difficult to reach which means the potential for student feedback is underutilized.

Capitalize on Qualtrics and Canvas to increase student response rates & collect quality data in course evaluations.

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Boost student response rates

Universities often miss the opportunity to effectively utilize Qualtrics and Canvas leading to decreased student response rates and poor student experience. Remove friction in student experience when taking Qualtrics surveys by streamlining them in Canvas.


Leverage Canvas LMS data for improved data analysis

Custom data fields in Qualtrics surveys can be used to embed data that already exists in Canvas. Using Canvas data with Qualtrics course evaluations means you can collect data without having to add it yourself or ask students to select from drop-down menu’s or fill data in manually. Such automation improves the quality of your data for report and analysis purposes and as a result also paints a complete and accurate picture of the student experience.

“By embedding surveys as assignments in Canvas through Qualtrics LTI, response rates increased from the mid-30% range up to 57%. That’s the highest we’ve ever seen them.”

Kate Hendricks, Manager Surveying & Reporting at Chamberlain University
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Sit back and learn

Become familiar with Qualtrics LTI in a few minutes 

Watch the Qualtrics LTI video tutorials to learn the basics in a few minutes. Each tutorial takes about 2-5 minutes to watch.

Experience Qualtrics LTI and see response rates increase 

Experience Qualtrics LTI yourself in a demo environment for free with no obligations or schedule a virtual meeting with Thomas who will walk you through on how to boost student response rates & facilitate better survey analysis.

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Thomas Ohlenforst

Educational Technology Consultant

Qualtrics LTI



Institutions getting more out of Qualtrics and their LMS

Making surveys part of the learning experience
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