Insights, News, Product Updates
Involving external parties in the learner's learning process has become even easier. With the introduction of the portal for externals, people from outside the ...
Insights, News, Product Updates
In today’s world of modernizing education and flexible pathways, achievements and credentials come in many forms. Badges are a powerful tool to recognize the ...
Insights, News, Product Updates
Portflow is purpose-built to leverage the affordances of the LMS (or VLE) and to extend its capabilities. As one of the powerful features ...
Insights, News, Product Updates
Plan ahead and tell your narrative with Learning Trips & Activities: the next step into facilitating the student’s personal story of their learning journey. ...
Insights, News, Product Updates
Recognizing the need for a more granular approach to tracking student progress, both for the coach and the students themselves, we’re introducing a ...
Insights, News, Product Updates
A safe and confidential learning environment is paramount to ensuring an effective feedback culture and fostering student ownership. Portflow is taking the next ...
Guides, Insights
Usually, you only see the end result of a learning process; achieved, or not achieved. Instead, what if we showed the process itself? ...
Insights, News, Product Updates
Ready to take your coaching and mentoring game to the next level? Portflow has just rolled out an exciting new feature – the ...